This year we are adding our two youngest children into our homeschool. We have a 3 year old and a 5 year old who will be doing a preschool/kindergarten-ish year. My 5 year old is not exactly excited about "school", so my main goal is to make things fun and engaging and work on getting him more excited about learning. As well as getting him use to the structure of having "school time" each day. And if he learns some things about letters and numbers in the process, that would be great.
And because kids love to be polar opposites and make your life more "interesting", my 3 year old is so excited about "school" that she is the first one to ask about doing school and pulling out her books and counting bears. So I want to capitalize on that excitement and give her an environment that fosters learning for her.
With all that in mind, I had originally landed on Blossom and Root Early Years as our curriculum for the year. But after getting a really good look at it, I decided that it was a little to "un-structured" for me. I like to have a little more direction in my curriculum. But I still wanted to give it a shot, so we are still using a few pieces from it.
Just in the nick of time, Brave Writer came out with a new level of their mechanics and literature curriculum designed for ages 5-7 years old that was a perfect fit for us! It is called Quill and I am so excited about it. I think it provides the perfect amount of structure (this is what you do and when), while still being very flexible and adaptable for these younger ages who need more flexibility.
And lastly, I picked up all the programs from Dash Into Learning. They have Dash Into Reading (which after receiving it may be a little above what my children are ready for, so I will be waiting a little while to start that), Dash Into Poetry, and Dash Into Happy (a social emotional program). So we will be working these into our homeschool as well. I think I may make the Dash Into Poetry and Happy family subjects which would be really fun!
If you would like to hear more about these choices, check out this video:
Do you have a preschool or kindergartner this year? What are you planning on having your year look like? If you have had a preschooler or kindergartner in the past, what were you favorite things you did that year? I would love to hear about them down in the comments!